
Chapters in Books (ctd)

‘Schulfächer und ihre Geschichte als Gegenstand der Curriculumforschung im angelsächsischen Raum’ in I Goodson, S Hopmann and K Riquarts (eds), Das Schulfach als Handlungsrahmen: Vergleichende Untersuchung zur Geschichte und Funktion der Schulfächer, Böhlau Verlag GmbH & Cie: Köln, Weimar, Wien, Böhlau, 1999, pp. 29-46 [ISBN 3-412-04295-1]

‘Entstehung eines Schulfaches’ in I Goodson, S Hopmann and K Riquarts (eds), Das Schulfach als Handlungsrahmen: Vergleichende Untersuchung zur Geschichte und Funktion der Schulfächer, Böhlau Verlag GmbH & Cie: Köln, Weimar, Wien, Böhlau, 1999, pp. 151-76 [ISBN 3-412-04295-1]

‘A crise da mudança curricular: algumas advertências sobre iniciativas de reestruturação’ in L Peretti and E Orth (eds), Século XXI: Qual Conhecimento? Qual Currículo?, Editora Vozes: Petrópolis, Brazil, 1999, pp. 109-126 [ISBN 85.326.2202-X]

‘Representing Teachers’ in M Hammersley (ed), Researching School Experience: Ethnographic Studies of Teaching and Learning, Falmer Press, London and New York, 1999 [ISBN 0-7507-0914-6]

‘Education as a Practical Matter: some issues and concerns’ in C Sugrue (ed), Restructuring Initial Teacher Education: A focus on Preservice and Induction at Primary Level, St Patrick’s College, Dublin, 1998 [ISBN 1-872327-18-4]

‘Holding on Together: Conversations With Barry’ in P Sikes and F Rizvi (eds), Researching Race and Social Justice Education - Essays in Honour of Barry Troyna, Trentham Books, Staffordshire, 1997

‘Action Research and the Reflexive Project of Selves’ in S Hollingsworth (ed), International Action Research: A Casebook for Educational Reform, Falmer Press, London and Washington, 1997

‘Towards an Alternative Pedagogy’ in S. Steinberg and J. Kincheloe (eds), 1998 (Routledge: New York and London).

‘Trendy Theory and Teacher Professionalsim’ in A Hargreaves and R Evans (eds), Beyond Educational Reform, Open University Press, 1997, pp, 27 – 41.

‘New Patterns of Curriculum Change’ in A Hargreaves (ed), A Handbook of Educational Change, Kluwer, 1997 (Dordrecht: Boston and London).

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